Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts

how to become a RUNNER when you REALLY HATE RUNNING

Thursday, November 21, 2013

DAY ONE:  Make yourself a running playlist.
Awesome, you're done.  Nice job.  

DAY TWO:  Create your perfect running outfit.
Get dressed up to go running.  Socks (warm ones if it's cold out!), sneakers, leggings, layers... if it's cold, add a scarf, ear warmers, giant mittens... anything to make you completely adorable... slash unrecognizable to people you may walk/run past (for those of us who feel self-conscious when we go jogging).  Choose dark colors, then admire your reflection - see, already you look slimmer!  Put your running gear into a neat little pile, or even into a gym bag, and set it in plain sight for tomorrow...

DAY THREE:  Take a stroll!
You need to figure out your running path.  So today, get into your awesome running wardrobe, grab your keys and put in your headphones.  Go out after dark and take a walk - no running at all tonight.  Just mentally map out a track and walk the entire thing - no cutting corners!  Ideally it should be a sort of loop that begins and ends at your doorstep; perhaps a lap of the neighborhood?  Make sure you are able to stay on the sidewalk for the entire path.  Keep your playlist going from the moment you leave your house until the moment you come back in through the door - then see how many tracks you were out walking for.  Ideally you should have been walking for about 15-20 minutes (or approximately 4 songs).  When you get home, stretch and then hit the showers - you earned it! 

DAY FOUR:  Take the same stroll!
"Ugh... again?  But I just did that yesterday."  Can you remember the path you forged yesterday? Make sure you get all dressed up in your confidence-boosting jogging attire, get your playlist going, and do your lap again.  Maybe as you're going around that last bend, if nobody's around, try jogging for like ten seconds.  Walk the rest of the way home.  When you're back in your room, stretch and then hit the showers - you REALLY earned it today!  Spend the next hour looking at fitness- and running-themed Tumblrs.  Bask in the fact that you are now officially a member of that community.  Maybe start your own health-themed Tumblr.... 

DAYS FIVE & SIX:  Consider quitting; instead, pick up the pace.
Now that you jogged for a few seconds, you realize it's not actually that awful.  Especially since you can stop as soon as you get tired.  Today, set out on your walk with the intent of jogging at least a portion of it.  Start to realize that you get home much more quickly when you jog instead of walk.  Continue to go test this theory every day (try to keep the time of day you run consistent - personally I think the evening is better because you can end your day with the feeling of accomplishment that comes from a laid-back/low-intensity walk/jog).

DAY SEVEN:  Take a day off.
Do whatever you want.  Just make sure that the next day, you get back out there!  In the following weeks, as you realize that the workout ends more quickly when you run it instead of walking it, you might just find yourself running the whole thing.  At this point it's all you.  You may find yourself wanting to actually START your day with a jog.  And maybe doing two laps will eventually turn into three, then four laps...

EVENTUALLY:  Enjoy it.
Studies have shown that it takes 18 - 66 days to make something a habit.  It could take three weeks or more to see results physically, but you will start feeling them very quickly.  No matter what you do, every day you'll have the satisfaction that comes with getting into workout mode and walking out that door to exercise!  And believe it or not, that self-esteem boost is what will ultimately get you addicted to running.  You'll see.

Winter is coming | a dozen ways to prepare

Friday, October 18, 2013

It's now 100% autumn, and I'm sure many of our readers have already started to feel the chill of winter creeping in - here in Sweden, the leaves are all pretty much gone, and the other morning I woke up to snow.  Snow.  In mid-October.  Winter is coming (I happen to be reading Game of Thrones right now, which only makes it more fun to talk about this), and to be honest I can't wait.  I love winter, it is by far my favorite season.  But the anticipation leading up to it - autumn - can be just as fun.  Here is my personal checklist of things to do to prepare yourself mentally and physically for the coming months of darkness and cold.

  1. Start getting up earlier.  The days are already starting to get shorter (by December in Sweden the sun will be setting at 3pm!), and your body will start to drag as that sun vanishes earlier and earlier.  Beat the blues by conditioning yourself to get up an hour (or two!) earlier than normal.  Use that extra time to...
  2. Exercise in the morning.  Best winter weight gain by starting this practice now, in the fall.  Because we spend so much time sleeping and sitting around and eating once it gets cold out, the best way to keep your metabolism revved is to start your day with some simple movement.  Yoga or some basic ballet conditioning are a great way to wake up your body, and they won't seem as daunting as a jog in the snow - although, if you're a morning person and feel compelled, definitely go do that instead!  Personally I like to take it slow in the morning, so setting the small goal of doing a couple Sun Salutations in the morning means that I'm much more likely to actually get up and do them.
  3. Buy a gigantic sweater.  Nothing is comfier than a sweater 10 sizes too big.  They are one of the easiest things to find at second-hand stores, so do a little thrift shopping and invest in a giant frumpy knit sweater that covers your butt.  It will be your favorite thing to fall asleep in, or to curl up in with a book when the snow falls.
  4. Let there be light.  Invest in a couple new scented candles or string lights to add a bit of cozy ambiance to your room.  You'll love it during those long nights and cloudy days.
  5. Get re-acquainted with your bookshelf.  With the holiday season coming up, it might be wiser not to buy a bunch of new books.  Instead, go through the books you already have.  Look harder, and you will likely find a book or two that you never read.  Even better, you might find an old favorite to re-read, like a Jane Austen novel or The Golden Compass.  If nothing catches the eye, borrow a book from a friend.  A second-hand book, with its creased spine and folded corners, fits the autumn spirit better.
  6. Take it easy on the pastries.  Your body is going to suddenly love fatty and sugary foods more than ever, because your polar bear instinct is kicking in for winter.  Just be aware of this and don't go too overboard with the holiday chocolates.  Instead...
  7. Get some vitamin D!  Start eating salmon, milk, eggs, and ricotta cheese if you start feeling a bit of the winter blues.  These are some of the top sources of vitamin D!  Pretty much all fish will be a good option.
  8. Go for walks.  That crisp autumn air is good for you, and don't you just love layering up and grabbing your favorite scarf?  Take your BFF or your dog for a stroll through the park and admire the orange and red leaves.
  9. Kill some time.  Come up with a new pastime in advance, something to fill those idle hours of the coldest months of the year.  Do you want to master a dozen new breakfast dishes?  Write a novel?  Find something that can done in the comfort of your home, and get started now.
  10. Revamp your wardrobe.  Evaluate your 2012 fall/winter wardrobe.  Are you boots falling apart?  Do you need a new coat?  The five core elements to a fall ensemble are: ankle boots, coat, scarf, sweater, and dark trousers.  Shop for a new one of any of these; you'll certainly be using it enough to make it worth the investment!
  11. Get re-acquainted with friends.  Look up a couple buddies you haven't caught up with in a while.  Go out for coffee.  The end of the year should always be devoted to re-establishing the connections that you want to keep in the new year.
  12. Find a snuggle buddy.  Dog or human.  Unpack a knit blanket that hasn't been seen since last winter and you're all set.
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